DROPS sweater 244-18 Sea Maiden Sweater I have been trying to make this sweater and having problems here: ROW 1 (right side): Knit and increase for RAGLAN-1 – read description above, on each side of the first 2 marker-threads (4 increased stitches), turn when you have worked 3 stitches past marker-…
I couldn’t find a current “look what I got” thread. If I need to delete and post as a comment please just let me know :) I wanted to share my yarn haul from ChristmasPressed Flowers by Lichen and Lace. I plan to knit the November jacket by PetiteKnit using this (someone in the projects on Ravelry u…
Making a shawl, but it calls for sport weight and I could only find worsted. I figured, it’s a shawl. It will just be bigger and a little thicker. How to adjust my needle size for a similar drape though? Should I go up 1 needle size? 2? 3? It calls for 8 US for sport weight. (There is some simple l…
I want to make Deep Winter Coat and bought a large quantity of DROPS Merino Extra Fine . It matches the suggested yarn, yardage-wise, but it seems it knits up differently because I get a gauge of 15 sts (instead of the 12 the pattern calls for). I also tried going up one needle size, then I get 13.…
I found this picture while looking for mohair pairing combinations, and would like to know how this stitch is called. It looks a bit like 'pine tree' or 'gothic', but not exactly.Would be grateful for suggestions!
This year, my niece is old enough to understand and look forward to Christmas. She knows that Santa brings the presents.So this year she heard the bells ringing and knew that Santa had arrived. First she unwrapped the big things, and then came the sack with the knitted things. She pulled everything…
Hello all, I am trying to finish this little teddy bear during the weekend and I can't really decide if it needs blocking before I fill it. Does anyone have experience with blocking Gepard Teddy Dear? Does blocking make a big difference on the texture? I will try to make a little swatch to block be…
Welcome to the weekend stash flash / presents / great thrift store score thread.Here is where you post pictures of your stash, yarn purchases, needle sets, or other knitting related pictures. You don't have to post your whole stash, just any picture that's part of your stash goes here. We'd love to…
I'm pretty close to being done with the body! I now started the first sleeve so I can get a feel of how the sweater fits and how long I want it to be before I finish up the body.Working on the sleeve is a nice change of pace after the body. I'm a little bit nervous about the fit of the sleeve secti…
Pattern by Kutovakika. It’s my second time knitting this sweater because the first time turned out too big (even though I did a gauge swatch). Wanted to wear it during my Japan trip so I knitted this in 2 weeks 😅 Ngl I was knitting like a mad woman during lunch at work and after getting home during…
He was a Christmas gift :) pattern is by the fabulous Claire Garland at Dotpebblesknits and the yarn is Drops. He has got a tail it's just hidden away!
Finished my MIL's christmas gift—Shes an avid hiker and has mentioned that good durable socks are hard to find.I'm super happy with how they turned out.... My third ever pair of socks and I just want to make more!Yarn: Cozi Sock by Zealana (merino, alpaca, NZ possum, nylon) Pattern:Okanogans Hiking…
As idiotic teens we played chicken with cars. Yarn chicken is far safer but I swear no less stressful sometimes. lolI can honestly say, I prefer to play neither version of chicken but this win was quite satisfying; as this is the closest to having just the right amount of yarn I’ve ever come. I jus…